American Cancer Society Relay For life

Every time going around the track I kept smelling this awesome food and I could not help my self any longer and had to get the pit ham Sandwich.
I wasn't able to be at the beginning of this event because my beautiful daughter had a dance recital in which I felt I should not miss. From what I was told there were whites doves released at the beginning of the event.

I was with the Baltimore Tailgater Society who dubbed themselves "the Crawling Gators" (photo above) for this event. Sporting water guns to keep cool during this warm, muggy day, they lapped the track many times. Constantly through-out the day people were taking their walk to support the cause. Some were even running or jogging. But they never stopped even with the threat of rainstorms looming overhead. One group even held a dance to help with donations.

Luminaries were bought in remembrance of loved ones and for those who are survivors and laid them out along the inside rim of the track. Jewelry, snacks, raffles, and other items were sold to help benefit the American Cancer Society and for the cure. Rita's and Bruster's Ice Cream among a few other vendors donating as well.
Toward the end of the day, not to be confused with the end of the relay, the luminaries were lit. Once lit everyone stood near their luminaries while Amazing Grace was played on bagpipe. (below) then took another lap around the track. The relay ended around 7 am the following morning.

I hope everyone has enjoyed my blog so far.
There is more to come because life just keeps bringing it on, nonstop.